Does it matter?
Any one of us might have a momentary, temporary or permanent impairment and it is our duty to build and promote technology that works for everyone.
Getting there is a matter of writing simpler code following best practices and established standards – the platform will do the rest.
Are there legal obligations in Malta?
Yes. Products and services provided by private entities are governed by the Equal Opportunities Act (EOA) and the European Accessibility Act (EAA) (Directive (EU) 2019/882) which is transposed to the local context through Legal Notice 214 of 2022. Apart from the EOA, public entities are also governed by the EU’s Web Accessibility Directive (WAD) (Directive (EU) 2016/2102) – and must meet accessibility standards by law. Both EAA and WAD point to EN 301 549, the harmonized European standard for ICT accessibility, which is in turn tightly coupled with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Your teams should consider accessibility as a functional requirement during product development – akin to how architects treat accessibility when designing physical environments.

Where do you start?
If you are planning a new project or reviewing an existing one, making sure you get everything right can be quite overwhelming. This website is here to help you. Feel free to visit the help centre, which provides quick guides and resources aimed at technology teams who want to improve their digital products. Alternatively, feel free to reach out to start a conversation.